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  1. woody

    MLB Playoffs Thread

    I stand corrected.
  2. woody

    MLB Playoffs Thread has Mussina going tomorrow. Big mistake IMO. I had just assumed Wang would pitch. TBS must be happy. Three sweeps in the divisional series.
  3. woody

    iPhone: coolest gadget of the year?

    After 6 years, their Internet browser market share is up to .06%. Probably accelerating due to more smart phones and fast mobile networks. (iPhone browser is .07% btw).
  4. woody

    MLB Playoffs Thread

    I had predicted 10 Yankee runs, so they still have 2 to go.
  5. woody

    iPhone: coolest gadget of the year?

    Microsoft doesn't have a monopoly on the OS market, but they do dominate it (for different reasons than Apple's dominance of the mp3 space).
  6. woody

    MLB Playoffs Thread

    This series is TBS. According to this: The Official Site of Major League Baseball: Schedule: 2007 Postseason the ALCS is on FOX. The NLCS on TBS.
  7. woody

    MLB Playoffs Thread

    Yankees have taken the lead in support of Hughes who has pitched very well in relief of Clemens, who left the game with a tight hamstring. Arod has a hit. Jeter has grounded into 2 double plays.
  8. woody

    iPhone: coolest gadget of the year?

    iPod doesn't have a monopoly on the market. They dominate the market due to iTunes, good product design, and marketing (which all make the product the 'must have' product for young consumers). I'm saying they will outsell BB this quarter. We'll find out mid Jan. Only 1.45 million BB sold...
  9. woody

    iPhone: coolest gadget of the year?

    Sounds exactly like what they were saying about the iPod in 2003. The other touch phones have a touch screen, but none can 'touch' the user interface of the iPhone. Plus, it is the gadget that young hipsters 'have' to have. Those of us that are hacking, computer geeks are not the number one...
  10. woody

    MLB Playoffs Thread

    Red Sox win 9-1 with a 7-run 8th inning. The Red Sox have now won the last 9 post season games versus the Angels. Still, the Angels had beat the Red Sox in 10 straight post season games during the 80's.
  11. woody

    MLB Playoffs Thread

    Sox pouring it on now. 9-0 in the top of the 8th. Looks like 3 sweeps so far. Can the Yankees prevent an all-sweeps LDS?
  12. woody

    iPhone: coolest gadget of the year?

    I'm going to make a couple of predictions for Apple and RIM. 1. For calendar Q3, in the US, Apple sold more iPhones than Rim sold Blackberries. RIM already reported 1.45 million BB sold last quarter worldwide. Since about 1/3 of their sales are foreign, I'd say it's an easy bet that Apple sold...
  13. woody

    MLB Playoffs Thread

    Halfway through the BOS-LAAA game Weaver looks good, but gave up back-to-back home runs to Ortiz and Ramirez. Schilling isn't looking as sharp, but has the lead 2-0.
  14. woody

    MLB Playoffs Thread

    Yeah, really. Sounds like a soccer team. And their logo looks like an MLS logo too. All the expansion teams are like that.
  15. woody

    MLB Playoffs Thread

    If Arod doesn't get a hit and the Yankees lose, I'd bet Arod opts out of his contract and is not with NYY next year. I also think Torre will be out no matter what. Cashman will probably stay. They have been doing the right thing with the team lately, getting younger and not selling the farm...
  16. woody

    MLB Playoffs Thread

    Since the Yankees won the third game of the 2004 ALCS, they are 3-12 in playoff games. 3 wins in the last 12 playoff games. I think the problem is that they just don't have some of the gritty roll players. They miss Paul, Tino, Chuck, Scott. NYY hasn't won a World Series since their payroll...
  17. woody

    MLB Playoffs Thread

    (If anyone has questions about baseball, ask away.) Ok. So the NLCS is set and the ALCS could be set today. I was really pulling for the Cubs but they didn't seem to really have a chance. They finished the season with only 85 wins, 5 less than the wild card winning Rockies. Yesterday's game...
  18. woody

    Are you readyyyy for some football ?

    Andy, how about a baseball thread? Football-wise, must be nice to be a Pats fan :)
  19. woody

    RSVP: Gus Tsahas on Algorithmic Trading

    Stuck at work!
  20. woody

    New 'kid' on the block

    Andy.... QN is already a great place to visit! :dance:
  21. woody

    What was your undergrad major?

    After I arrived in NY (story too long) I snuck into the NY job board and found a posting for software tester, $10/hr. Then started a tech company for the Web boom. Then got a job in energy trading software from a friend. Then started Economics MA. Then became very interested in the mathematics...
  22. woody

    What was your undergrad major?

    I was supposed to be a filmmaker. I got scholarships for photography and studied a summer in Paris. If it weren't for an accident my senior year that prevented me from lifting heavy cables for a year, I would have been a production assistant in Hollywood instead of coming to NY and ...
  23. woody

    Opinion on book: Financial Modeling Using C++

    Financial Modeling Using C++ Financial Modeling Using C++ (Wiley Finance): Books: Chandan Sengupta Does anyone have an opinion on this book or author?
  24. woody

    What was your undergrad major?

    Economics, UCLA.
  25. woody

    Latex PDF Generating Web site

    So, if you find yourself at work, on a machine that cannot generate the PDF for the latex you need to change, or if for some reason your normal PDF generator can't find /usr/bin/pdflatex, here is a Web site for you: LaTeX to PDF
  26. woody

    The Master Happy Birthday thread

    Happy birthday dude.
  27. woody

    Price Vs Value

    Interesting subject. I had a salesman friend who didn't seem so bright, but always used to say: "That guy new the price of everything and the value of nothing."
  28. woody

    Are you readyyyy for some football ?

    Ah. The name game. Soccer is actually a very appropriate word for the game. Football is a generic term used to describe many different games including "Soccer" style football (Soccer is short for Association Football), Rugby style football, and yes, American Football (among others). This...
  29. woody

    iPhone: coolest gadget of the year?

    Apparently the iPod Touch *does* do this.
  30. woody

    Are you readyyyy for some football ?

    Botafogo Futebol! Sunny, do you know baseball? Football is easy to learn (the basics) and so is easy to root for. Baseball can be pretty difficult to explain to people who've never seen it.
  31. woody

    Math quant jokes

    Sorry, but I came across this joke (was sent to me via my site) and couldn't stop myself from posting here. Once there were three pregnant Indian women who slept on animal skins. The first slept on a deer skin. The second slept on a bear skin. The third slept on a hippopotamus skin...
  32. woody

    iPhone: coolest gadget of the year?

    You could also just get an iPod Touch with WiFi and use your normal phone.
  33. woody

    Setting precision to an output text file in C++

    Hm. I've used this and it seems to have worked in the past: outFile.precision(2); outFile.setf(ios::fixed); outFile.setf(ios::showpoint);
  34. woody

    please advise - PC vs. OSX/PC

    If you get a Windows laptop, only ThinkPad. I have a ThinkPad for work and it is well-built (not so well designed, but well-built). Too bad it runs Windows. If you get a Mac, well, you don't have a lot of options. But I own the black MacBook and it is very nice. I use Windows on it for two...
  35. woody

    Firefox or IE or Opera ?

    Nice how you group "Mac browser or some other old ones" How about "Safari" since it's also available for Windows now (beta). Then I'll check it off. On my Windows machines it's all about Firefox.
  36. woody

    400 Posts

    Well, this is my 400th post. And when I was approaching 300, Andy wanted me to make it special. But I forgot and it was a really benign post. So, here's to 400!
  37. woody

    Aaahh!!! This volatility is killing me

    I don't think anyone posted this before. But did you know that they removed the "cannot short on a down tick" rule on July 7? Many are partially blaming this for the volatility. Others say it has no effect on day-to-day volatility. Here's an article saying it's not to blame. Uptick Rule Not to...
  38. woody

    The Master Happy Birthday thread

    Hi Bridgett. Have a great day. See you in three weeks with probability=1.
  39. woody

    Barry Bonds hit Home Run 756 !!

    They didn't even test for steroids until recently. MLB and the union were really resistant to this. So it will be hard to really prove anything about BB. From Wikipedia: History of baseball in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  40. woody

    Vista vs XP

    To me, this question is like asking "Do you want a finger cut off or an eye poked out?" ;) fwiw, 2000 and XP are on my Windows machines. Not going near Vista.
  41. woody

    Barry Bonds hit Home Run 756 !!

    Don't worry Andy, Alex will break the record soon enough. Then no one will care about Bonds, except with regards to the 'roids.
  42. woody

    PHOTO: QuantNet Central Park Summer 07 Picnic

    Turns out that I do have to go to Baltimore this weekend, just confirmed. Have fun everyone.
  43. woody

    Barry Bonds hit Home Run 756 !!

    Yes, he deserves to be in the HOF. He was HOF-bound before his home run bonanza. That 22-year old Mets fan has got a ball worth 300-500k.
  44. woody

    Alcohol use helps boost income: study

    Was this first published on The Onion? College drinking increases earnings? In The Know: Teenagers and Alcohol | The Onion - America's Finest News Source
  45. woody

    Alcohol use helps boost income: study

    I wonder if drinking increases income, or if high-income increases drinking. Is the study suggesting a correlation? or causality? I like this line too: "The authors acknowledged their study, funded by the Reason Foundation, a libertarian think tank, contradicted research released in 2000 by the...
  46. woody

    The Master Happy Birthday thread

    Happy birthday Adolfo. We will drink again! (I still have some of that 151)
  47. woody

    The Master Happy Birthday thread

    Happy birthday.... btw, I still have some Russian ketchup in my fridge.
  48. woody

    iPhone: coolest gadget of the year?

    Remember when the iPod came out? Seems many are noticing similar comments about the iPhone. "Apple clearly had similar goals in mind when designing the two devices: Get the main features right and make them simple to use. Integrate those features in a way people haven’t experienced before. Use...
  49. woody

    iPhone: coolest gadget of the year?

    Soon, Andy, soon. I'm just playin' of course. But never has any phone elicited such an emotional response for/against. Hey, I just wanted a good inet phone.
  50. woody

    iPhone: coolest gadget of the year?

    One thing no one complained about, but I can... The headphones are like those sucky iPod headphones. I'll buy the first good accessory for that.
  51. woody

    iPhone: coolest gadget of the year?

    Y'all just jealous !!! I'm sure everyone will find all kinds of reasons to hate the iPhone and why those big dumb-phones with the tiny screens are so much better because they have feature 'x.' This device I have now is only iteration 1 and its interface is beyond any handheld device. If you...
  52. woody

    iPhone: coolest gadget of the year?

    Apple was sold out at all stores except two by Wednesday. They restocked and now have more available. They built 3 million this time around I believe and are said to have activated about one million so far. So, more iPods have sold this week than Zunes all-time. hehe. The battery replacement is...
  53. woody

    transfer from other major?

    If you change to MFE, the good news is that you can transfer up to 12 credits from your other program. I was doing a masters in economics before changing to MFE. But as Andy says, you have to apply from scratch.
  54. woody

    A summer after work drink 7/6 Friday

    6pm might be a little early, but I can meet up with you guys.
  55. woody

    Anyone using SAS ?

    Andy, I can lend you a book. I have two copies of that Cody book.
  56. woody

    iPhone: coolest gadget of the year?

    This thing is really more of a handheld computer than a phone. Very easy to use. Excellent interface. I raced with a guy at work who has a treo. We took a picture and emailed it to someone. He first had to figure out how to do that. I've never done it before but did it in less than 15 seconds...
  57. woody

    iPhone: coolest gadget of the year?

    posting from my iPhone now. It is nice.
  58. woody

    class dinner time

    well... I will be in Rio the week of July 16, but the week before we have clients visiting from Munich and I have to be entertaining :dance:
  59. woody

    class dinner time

    Only July 5 is good for me. But, as most can tell you, I am often invited to events only because the inviter knows I can't make it ;)
  60. woody

    What for dinner today ?

    Stats HW2 is a new recipe I'm working with. We'll have some at my next BBQ.
  61. woody

    iPhone: coolest gadget of the year?

    I'll let you guys know how it works. I'm getting one when the lines die down (if there're any left). Check out the 20min demo video. Apple - iPhone - A Guided Tour
  62. woody

    What for dinner today ?

    What's for dinner? Stats HW2.
  63. woody

    I got an email from UBA

    btw, never reply to spam. Especially don't click the "Remove me from the list" button. If you do, they will know that you are a real person and will sign you up for 10 more lists.
  64. woody

    Fall 2008 admission

    My essay was 2 pages. I'd say write as much as you need to tell your story, but DEFINITELY keep it under the max. I'd only send three recs unless you really think the fourth is important or helps your application.
  65. woody

    Fall 2008 admission

    Courses are one day per week, 6-8:30pm. All classes are at night to accomodate part-time students and faculty with full-time jobs.
  66. woody

    The Master Happy Birthday thread

    Hey, happy birthday. See you tomorrow.
  67. woody

    The Master Happy Birthday thread

    Happy birthday Noa. Have a great summer!
  68. woody

    Geek Rap

    <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=""...
  69. woody

    Site used by energy traders (free)

  70. woody

    Wall Street sequel 'to be made'

    Bleh. Modern Hollywood-types will ruin the legacy that is Wall Street the movie. But who knows, maybe I'll be surprised. But probably not.
  71. woody

    PHOTO: Dinner/karaoke to celebrate Hasan's job offer !

    Hasan, thanks for the dinner, etc. I know you'll succeed. Today was your first day. You can tell me about it Wednesday.
  72. woody

    iPhone: coolest gadget of the year?

    It's all one company, but like Sprint and Nextel, I imagine it will take a couple of years to fully combine.
  73. woody

    iPhone: coolest gadget of the year?

    AT&T has a high speed internet. The current one is not as fast as Sprint. They have a new one coming out in the next year or so that is supposed to be real fast.
  74. woody

    PHOTO: Dinner/karaoke to celebrate Hasan's job offer !

    maybe I'll sing this one: BOB DYLAN: MAGGIE'S FARM ;)
  75. woody

    Quantnet positions are now Open

    Awesome. We got a Mac guy on the inside now ;) Andy, we can chat about what I can be used for.
  76. woody

    iPhone: coolest gadget of the year?

    I'm down with Palm OS. Palm originally had it right with their devices in the 90's. Then they got too complicated and lost market share to MS. The original handheld device suffered the same fate (I am of course speaking of the Newton). A friend of mine has a device (Treo?) with MS and has to...
  77. woody

    Delta Airlines emerged out of bankruptcy

    Bottom line is the common stock holders are at the bottom, getting paid after everyone else. They buy stock knowing the risks. I hope the people who had Delta stock in their 401k's are taken care of to some degree. (Delta employees)
  78. woody

    Phone interview

    Be honest and enthusiastic. If you don't know something, say so, don't make something up.
  79. woody


    Mark Joshi has some notes on CQF in his 'On Becoming a Quant' paper. (from the 'What do Quants Do' thread)
  80. woody

    PHOTO: Dinner/karaoke to celebrate Hasan's job offer !

    Sounds like fun. But if you want me to sing at 10pm, I'll have to start drinking around six. :smt030
  81. woody

    PHOTO: Dinner/karaoke to celebrate Hasan's job offer !

    I am not in that class. What time and where shall I meet everyone? If it's after 830, I think I'll eat first and meet just for the singing.
  82. woody

    iPhone: coolest gadget of the year?

    My bb is a piece of junk, especially the keyboard. All those buttons with multiple purposes... bleh. iPone's target market is not business people, so bb will still have it's base.
  83. woody

    PHOTO: Visit UBS Trading floor, Stamford, CT

    How about Indian food in the east village?
  84. woody

    PHOTO: Dinner/karaoke to celebrate Hasan's job offer !

    Great news Hasan! Looks like you made the right decision two months ago.
  85. woody

    Quantitative Interview questions and answers

    Who's Angie Jorie?
  86. woody

    The Master Happy Birthday thread

    Happy birthday PL. You picked the best weekend of the year (weather-wise).
  87. woody

    What Not To Put On Your Application For Employment

    How about BIGGEST WEAKNESS: chocolate.
  88. woody

    My profile- Vadim

    Refresher courses are highly recommended and sometimes required as part of your admission. A lot of the material covered in them is assumed known before classes start. They each cover math, finance, and C++. These courses prepare you for what you will experience day 1 in the program.
  89. woody

    Risk Managment presentations This page has a bunch of risk management presentations and audio files from an enterprise risk managment symposium. No math, but there's a lot of info there, including job trends and demographics.
  90. woody

    The Master Happy Birthday thread

    Happy birthday Billy. Enjoy celebrating it in your people's favorite manner.
  91. woody

    PHOTO: Visit UBS Trading floor, Stamford, CT

    I am thinking about asking for a vacation day for this.
  92. woody

    QUANTNET CONTEST : Brainstorming a slogan

    Just Prove It!
  93. woody

    New Quantnet members say hi

    You get props from me for using the 'peanut butter jelly time' smilie. Welcome aboard.
  94. woody


    Since Dan is teaching it, maybe we will learn stats via Baseball. hmm....
  95. woody


    No SAS? Fine with me. I've registered btw.
  96. woody


    Especially so we can do RMS errors! ;)
  97. woody


    btw, I can recommend this book: Econometric Models and Economic Forecasts (Hardcover) by Robert S Pindyck (Author), Daniel L Rubinfeld (Author)
  98. woody


    I've taken some graduate econometric courses and I do not believe any of the FE courses focus on this directly. However, many of the things learned in several of the classes could be applied to econometric models (e.g. regression analyis, stats).
  99. woody

    What are your computer's specs ?

    Ah, Andy. I think we all know what I use :) My main computer is my black MacBook with the standard specs. I do have Windows installed with Parallels, but never use it. If I want to use Windows for something, I Remote Desktop to my work computer. I use gcc for compiling my code. (All the...
  100. woody

    The Master Happy Birthday thread

    Happy Birthday Jimmy!!! Today is Jimmy's birthday. Happy birthday Jimmy and thanks for all that you have done for Baruch MFE and QuantNet! Oh, and thanks for fetching our football and our frisbee.
  101. woody

    My Profile

    Many of the talks are on Friday nights, since this is the only night without class. As a part-time student, I cannot easily go to any day-time events. All my homework is usually finished Sunday night or the night before it's due since I can't work on it during the day. I take two classes and...
  102. woody

    PHOTOS: Quantnet BBQ Party

    It is very easy to park in my neighborhood. Usually there is a space right in front of my apartment.
  103. woody

    Career switch from Engineering to Quantitative Finance

    I don't know any companies in the Bay Area, but some HR people are nice enough to meet with you for an information session, or give you advice over the phone. I'd start looking through the classifieds and calling those HR people to ask "what are you looking for..." Can't hurt. Seems that most...
  104. woody

    PHOTO: A daytrip to NYSE Trading Floor

    Bump. Just want to keep this topic up top.
  105. woody

    PHOTOS: Quantnet BBQ Party

    There is a Key Food and a deli on my street. So, if you don't feel like lugging food or drinks on the train, you can shop when you get here.
  106. woody

    PHOTOS: Quantnet BBQ Party

    I have PM'd Jimmy, Joe, Hien and Rushali the direction info. Chips and guac is always good.
  107. woody

    PHOTOS: Quantnet BBQ Party

    I have not uploaded pics on the map page. If I have time tonight, I will.
  108. woody

    PHOTOS: Quantnet BBQ Party

    You can come any time after 11am if you like. The chili is ready. The burgers I will prepare tonight. We'll still have to cut the fixings, buy ice, etc.
  109. woody

    PHOTOS: Quantnet BBQ Party

    Joe, it is not too late.
  110. woody

    PHOTOS: Quantnet BBQ Party

    I have sent PM's to those who have RSVP'd. If you did not RSVP, send me a PM or email and I'll send you the info on how to get here and my phone number.
  111. woody

    PHOTOS: Quantnet BBQ Party

    I will send directions to anyone who RSVPs (rather than post my address in a public forum :) )
  112. woody

    PHOTOS: Quantnet BBQ Party

    As you can see from Andy's photo, Prospect Park is far less crowded than Central Park! Plenty of space for football, volleyball, soccer, etc.
  113. woody

    PHOTOS: Quantnet BBQ Party

    As of now, the forecast for Saturday is sunny with a high of 63. nice.
  114. woody

    PHOTOS: Quantnet BBQ Party

    I'm thinking we eat at my place, then head over to the park (one block away) for some fun in the sun. This Saturday is 'opening day' for the park.
  115. woody

    PRMIA -- Risk Management site

    I have just signed up at this site: It is free. I have not gone through all that it has, but there seems to be some good stuff there. You can select areas of interest when registering (one of them is financial engineering). And there are job postings, research, events, etc...
  116. woody

    PHOTO: A daytrip to NYSE Trading Floor

    It worked. Thanks Andy!
  117. woody

    PHOTO: A daytrip to NYSE Trading Floor

    I can go, although it says 'maybe' up there. Chris, you may have to 'remove' me from the 'maybe' so I can add myself to the 'yes.'
  118. woody

    The Master Happy Birthday thread

    Am I too late? Happy birthday Nalin!
  119. woody

    FAQs - MFE

    Swati, as mentioned above, prospective students are evaluated on an individual basis. Students come from a variety of backgrounds and bring many different experiences to the program. If we were already experts in the field, we would not be going to school :) I believe the important thing is that...
  120. woody

    PHOTOS: Quantnet BBQ Party

    If you are wondering what to bring, bring beer, wine, soda, or your favorite finger food. And if you bring your favorite finger food, be sure to say what it is in your RSVP.
  121. woody

    PHOTOS: Quantnet BBQ Party

    I will look over the directions. I thought they were pretty explanatory "Make sure you're on the Manhattan side of the train (the back coming from the city)," but I will look again. If I have time I will post pictures too :)
  122. woody

    PHOTOS: Quantnet BBQ Party

    I was planning on emailing the address to those who RSVP all at once. I will PM you.
  123. woody

    PHOTOS: Quantnet BBQ Party

    The chili for Saturday is cooked and resting, getting spicier by the minute...
  124. woody

    PHOTOS: Quantnet BBQ Party

    Hey, those lounge chairs are comfortable!
  125. woody

    PHOTOS: Quantnet BBQ Party

    More BBQ fun...
  126. woody

    PHOTOS: Quantnet BBQ Party

    What: The Quantnet BBQ Party When: Saturday March 31, noon to sundown Why: Bonding with cohorts, networking Where: Woody's place in Windsor Terrace (Prospect Park Southwest). It is about 45 min from Baruch door-to-door via the F train. Depending on the weather, we will cook inside...
  127. woody

    The Master Happy Birthday thread

    Happy birthday. So that makes you a Pisces?
  128. woody

    Structured Finance Analyst: Day in the Life

    A guy I know who has worked in structured finance for ten years says he uses VBA/Excel. More complicated models are built in c++, but he doesn't do c++ anymore (although he used to).
  129. woody

    Random Member Photo Thread

    The pic below, IMO, is one of the top photos I've ever taken. (Notice that I am in the shot... where's Woody?)
  130. woody

    2007 Interactive Brokers Collegiate Trading Olympiad

    And as we've heard before, it is better to be lucky... Good job Gus and Andy. :thumbsup:
  131. woody

    Random Member Photo Thread

    Chris, what were you doing in Mexico? Bob, nice depth-of-field in that puppy shot. (nice puppy too)
  132. woody

    Baruch MFE Baruch MFE Featured in FE News

    Here is a link to the site:
  133. woody

    Baruch MFE Baruch MFE Featured in FE News

    Dr. Dan Stefanica, director of the Master of Science Program in Financial Engineering program at Baruch College (part of the City University of New York or CUNY), is a man with a vision and in a hurry. Stefanica completed a Ph.D. in applied mathematics at the Courant Institute of New York...
  134. woody

    Random Member Photo Thread

    Hi, In order to gage interest in a photo gallery feature on Quantnet, or a photo forum, I am starting this random photo thread. Feel free to post any (decent) photo here. It might be the best photo you ever took, a picture from your vacation, a baby photo, or something else. To post an...
  135. woody

    QUANTNET Supporting Members

    This is great Andy. Thanks again for all the work you put in!
  136. woody

    RSVP: My life as a Trader -- Curt Ward

    Thanks Curt. And thanks Alain.
  137. woody

    QUANTNET Supporting Members

    My pleasure Andy. The value you give to the forum is more than anyone can afford to donate!
  138. woody

    RSVP: My life as a Trader -- Curt Ward

    Dear Students, Alumni, and Professors: The Quant Network at Baruch's Financial Engineering MS Program would like to invite you to attend a talk given by Mr. Curt Ward who is a senior trader at Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities. Topic: My life as a Trader About the speaker: Curt...
  139. woody

    Exam Answers

  140. woody

    newbie here....hello everybody

    Good choice Muting. Along with looking at the prerequisite forum, I'd say you should spend one or two weeks on a relaxing Caribbean island :)
  141. woody

    Quantitative Interview questions and answers

    Are you sure it's not VIII - VII = VI ? 'cause then you could just make it XIII - VII = VI.
  142. woody

    New Quantnet members say hi

    Hi Tushar, from your profile, you seem to be a good fit for the program. I think you would like what we do. I'd be interested in hearing how you think a MFE would further your career.
  143. woody

    Quantnet Movie Night: "Enron - The Smartest Guys in the Room"

    I'll bring a couple bottles of soda since we're running low. Anything else we might want?
  144. woody

    Mac (PowerPC) vs. Intel double precision

    I do have an Intel MacBook, but I haven't run this test. I can compare some of my code between my Mac and my ThinkPad at work.
  145. woody

    Mac (PowerPC) vs. Intel double precision

    I'd be curious to see how the Intel Macs compare.
  146. woody

    The Master Happy Birthday thread

    Happy B-Day Chris. Keep on running!
  147. woody

    The Master Happy Birthday thread

    Happy... you know
  148. woody

    The Master Happy Birthday thread

    Yes. Happy Birthday! (gotta love youtube).
  149. woody

    What version of Excel do you use?

    2004 for Mac 2003 for Win (at work and for VBA)
  150. woody

    Learning VBA during the Winter Break

    It is also the day some of us will be leaving to visit family out of town. If it's Tues, Wed, or Thurs I'd like to join. I know enough VBA to get done what I need, but would probably benefit from learning some more.
  151. woody

    Learning VBA during the Winter Break

    In Excel, you can record 'macros' which are VBA. Look in the menu Tools > Macro > There are options for 'Macros' and 'VBEditor' and 'record macro.' I could show you how to record and edit a VBA macro in Excel, but it's a little hard to explain in the forum.
  152. woody

    Learning VBA during the Winter Break

    The easiest way to learn is by recording actions then looking at the code. This is probably how 90% of VBA scripts start out. Then you have to alter the code to make it more flexible. I'd get a big VBA reference and use the Internet to find solutions to various problems.
  153. woody

    What are your favorite Wall-street themed movies?

    Anyone gonna see "pursuit of happiness?"
  154. woody


    I'll admit, Cywin doesn't have the most elegant installer. You could get a Mac :)
  155. woody


    An easy start for learning would be to use Cygwin. It's basically a UNIX interface for Windows that runs in a window.
  156. woody

    calculating pi

    What about const double PI = acos(-1.0);
  157. woody


    Some people had expressed interest in Energy Trading and Risk Management (ETRM) systems. This is what my company builds. We've been around for 6 years and I've been with the company for 3. This article is a bit of a PR piece, but may contain interesting info for some. Let me know if you have any...
  158. woody

    Lying on your CV

    Nope. American from NYU.
  159. woody

    Lying on your CV

    We once didn't hire someone who seemed like a great fit. He wrote that he graduated with honors but put a GPA that didn't qualify him! :wall
  160. woody

    Who is the next biggest?

    Brazilian Portuguese maybe? I was learning until this class started.
  161. woody

    The Master Happy Birthday thread

    Happy birthday Alain! Hope you have a chance to celebrate between homeworks.
  162. woody

    Is laptop a must-have item to study in the program?

    Not to change this discussion into one of Mac, but here is another solution for running Windows applications on Mac. Wine has been known in the Linux community for a while. The good: you don't need a copy of Windows and don't have to run Windows at all. The bad: only certain applications are...
  163. woody

    Is laptop a must-have item to study in the program?

    Of course I will bring it to class to show off :) btw, I use a ThinkPad at work and if I had to purchase a Windows laptop, that's what I'd get. Maybe that small one.
  164. woody

    Is laptop a must-have item to study in the program?

    I will finally replace my 2 4-year old Macs and my 6 year old PC with a black MacBook in then next few weeks (waiting to see if they put the new Merom processor in there). A guy at works has the black MacBook and loves it.
  165. woody

    Is laptop a must-have item to study in the program?

    Has anyone with an Intel Mac tried Parallels? I'm thinking of giving it a try. Although, I'm not sure if I'll need Windows at all. Currenly I only use it at home if I need to run SAS.
  166. woody

    Any IPOD guru out there?

    I wish. I could make a lot of money if I knew this kind of info. But you can check out some of the rumor sites. Which iPod you get really depends on how you'll use it. If you're planning on downloading a...
  167. woody

    Any IPOD guru out there?

    My iPod is almost 4 years old (gen 1) and still going strong. I am holding out for a 'true' video iPod that I can show photos and watch video nicely. Rumor has it there will be a widescreen iPod released soon, where the screen takes up the whole iPod. But that company is very secret, so who...
  168. woody

    Linux is gaining popularity among Wall Street developers

    Our software uses Windows, but we use Cygwin a lot, especially to gather data from all the servers and to quickly assess problems. At home I use a Mac and am partial to Mac/UNIX environments. My next computer will be a Mac that runs OSX, Windows, and Linux.
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