Search results

  1. M

    Commodities Bootcamp at Baruch

    what will you cover in "trading of commodities"? contract specifications? is there anything like valuation for commodities?
  2. M

    Changing Job from Technology to Finance

    do you know why you did not get an offer from financial companies?
  3. M

    Please clarify some trading terminology

    where did u get this information? some of them don't exist now. they are replaced by software.
  4. M

    Equal Opportunities Employers & Autism

    Goyal, who now lives in London, was also the first blind trader at J P Morgan, and possibly at in any bank anywhere in the world
  5. M

    Open Source Financial Software for project
  6. M

    Our best traders spend a lot of their time pounding away writing code

    It is going to end in India. In India banks hire a business analyst, developer and a tester for a project. They can afford to do it in India.
  7. M

    Course on Assembly/Machine Language

    no project involves writing code in assembly. but you must know assembly to write better code in non-assembly languages.
  8. M

    Course on Assembly/Machine Language

    You can learn the above subjects on your own. There are so many online courses available for free. But Assembly language is difficult learn. If you are planning to work on software engineer it will be really useful. You will spend lot of time debugging. Knowing assembly helps here. Also...
  9. M

    any Contact in Citi Corp

    Vikram Panit
  10. M

    Columbia MFE Columbia MFE: should I go for it ?

    not always true. “Candidates generally expect to command a premium because of the time and money that they invest overseas. On average, they demand a 20 to 30 per cent premium over that of the local...
  11. M

    Need Help for Housing in NYC

    12 residents trapped, 2 injured in Qns. house collapse Read more:
  12. M

    CQF Career placement

    why would a bank hire a aeronautical engineer. they don't manufacture planes.
  13. M

    CQF Career placement

    they do all kinds of work.
  14. M

    CQF Career placement

    Firms like Infosys, TCS, Cognizant, HCL, Syntel, Satyam .....
  15. M

    CQF Career placement

    If you want to get into finance, join one of the Indian consulting firms. Almost all banks/hedge funds work with them.
  16. M

    University which provides MSFE in india?
  17. M

    Derivatives Pricing Question

    what type of derivatives you are working on? in equity derivatives, most of the retail traders don't bother about mispricing. they use it mainly for speculation. take a look at this book to know how retail traders use options...
  18. M

    Aerospace Engineer To Quantitative Analyst?

    don't tell this to recruiters/hiring managers. tell them you are interested in finance blah......
  19. M

    Aerospace Engineer To Quantitative Analyst?

    why are you not interested in engineering. are you working in engineering industry?
  20. M

    Why are there so many international MFE/MFin students?

    the rest go to US and UK to do their MBA. these guys prepare for GMAT also.
  21. M

    Becoming a trader

    what do you want to trade? if you are interested in forex try . for stock/options try
  22. M

    Usefulness of a Prior International MBA

    is it difficult to get these jobs with your current experience?
  23. M

    MIT MFin 2011 MIT MFin Placement Report

    But the person who is making $100K in NYC has the same problem. He is going to save the same amount of money as the Indian student working in India. Both are going to repay the loan at the same time.;)
  24. M

    MIT MFin 2011 MIT MFin Placement Report

    $30K in India is equivalent to making $100K in NYC.
  25. M

    Demand Slows For H1B Visas

    USCIS Reaches Fiscal Year 2012 H-1B Cap there is still lot of demand for H1B visas
  26. M

    Where are the Jobs

    is it really bad as mentioned in this article
  27. M

    Mid - Career change

    if you are in Chennai, check out they offer masters in financial engineering.
  28. M

    Best book for self-learning C++?

    without reading, what will you program?
  29. M

    Best book for self-learning C++?

    volume 1 - 814 pages volume 2 - 832 pages how many months/years it will take to read this book?
  30. M

    Best book for self-learning C++?
  31. M

    Americans leaving US in record numbers

    it is a structural unemployment problem. US companies are hiring from India
  32. M

    Americans leaving US in record numbers

    even WSJ published an article few weeks ago
  33. M

    Great Green Card news for people from China, India

    Indians and Chinese are cheaper than Europeans. Right now Americans can only afford cheap labor.
  34. M

    Trading Systems - Putting it all together

    post your question there. you will get some useful answers. their forum is mainly for trading system developers.
  35. M

    Useful Practice If You're Interested In Trading

    Knowing option arithmetic is more important than knowing high school math. This drill is designed to help increase the speed at which you recognize the synthetic equivalent of positions involving options. Position = Synthetic Equivalent 1) +P = 2) -U +C = 3) +C = 4) -U -P = 5) -U = 6) -C +P =...
  36. M

    Trading Systems - Putting it all together
  37. M

    Background for Stochastic Calculus?

    "If Calculus were required to be a great investor, I'd have to go back to delivering newspapers." - Warren Buffett you should have read the book Warren Buffett speaks: wit and wisdom from the world's greatest investor By Warren Buffett, Janet Lowe
  38. M

    Stanford University is offering a Financial Engineering Program in HK

    university of Chicago and cmu offer MFE in singapore.
  39. M

    Harvard loses top world uni ranking to ...

    unfortunately the ranking was done by Times Higher Education. not by quantnet.
  40. M

    What would Feynman do?

    Interviewer: Thanks for coming in Dr. Feynman. We'll be in touch.
  41. M

    Rogue Trader Lost $2B at UBS

    He is going to tell what he did. Earlier, it emerged that UBS learnt of the unauthorised trades after being informed by Mr Adoboli. "The disclosure that it was Mr Adoboli's decision to inform his colleagues of his actions that set alarm bells ringing...
  42. M

    Failed Bloomberg online C++ test. I can't believe it.

    bloomberg is the only company hiring now in nyc. there may be tons people scored higher than you.
  43. M

    Wall Street new round of layoff

    Marc Faber predicted it three years ago Faber has been long term bearish about the American economy for a number of years and continues to be so. He concluded his June 2008 newsletter with the following mock quote: "The federal government...
  44. M

    Singapore hedge fund vs Wall Street aspirations

    by US I meant Wall St. so I told him the disadvantages of SG.
  45. M

    Singapore hedge fund vs Wall Street aspirations

    the OP was comparing US vs SG.
  46. M

    Singapore hedge fund vs Wall Street aspirations

    hedge fund as a industry does not exist in Singapore. One can't make a career in hedge fund working in Singapore. I hope this is clear.
  47. M

    Singapore hedge fund vs Wall Street aspirations

    sorry for the language. I meant, most of the jobs in Singapore are middle/back office IT jobs. there are no great programmers working in these banks.
  48. M

    Singapore hedge fund vs Wall Street aspirations

    you will not learn anything about hedge funds if you work in Singapore. it is a big middle/back office center for investment banks. Singapore is a tourist city and it will remain like that for some time. You will not be able to hire even a good programmer if you need one. better get a job in...
  49. M

    London riots this is the quality of life you are talking about
  50. M

    HULL Alternative?

    Have you looked at
  51. M

    Question about pursuing MFE.

    if you have $$$$ then you can take some classes from
  52. M

    Question about pursuing MFE.

    try to get an internship in in Mumbai. there are lot of investment banks credit suisse, barclays, nomura, ms ... doing quant dev work in mumbai and pune.
  53. M

    London riots

    There will be more rioting.
  54. M

    London riots Before they started appearing in court, most people assumed London's rioters and looters were unemployed youths with no hope and no future.So there was much surprise when details of the accused began to emerge, and...
  55. M

    BAC vs Lunch at the NYSE

    BAC vs Lunch at the NYSE
  56. M

    S&P Downgrade Effects

    Move to Omaha. BUFFETT: "In Omaha The US Is Still Triple A" Read more:
  57. M

    What is the best way to parse a Fix Protocol message in C#
  58. M

    Is Apple's phenomenal growth good for overall tech Industry?

    Fake Apple stores found in Kunming city, China
  59. M

    Does someone know cheap FIX engine?

  60. M

    Wall Street new round of layoff

    Goldman to Embark on Hiring Spree in Singapore
  61. M

    Pen+Paper = 19th century. Wacom tablets = FUTURE

    is the pen comfortable to write? it looks very big.
  62. M

    Advice Needed : Planning to apply for MFE in Fall 2012

    you are already working for DE Shaw. try to move to trading groups within DEShaw
  63. M

    Wall Street new round of layoff

    Wall Street Recruits U.S. War Veterans as Financial Jobs Decline Read more:
  64. M

    I am very good at computer programming but very average at maths... can I be a quant?

    programming genius may show at an early age, whereas software design genius tends to take more time to ripen. from page 3 of the book
  65. M

    Desk went under, looking for next gig.

    try to rent/share your apartment. you can save some money.
  66. M

    Iron Condor

    If you want to sell iron condors then watch video by One bad month will kill you.
  67. M

    Wall Street new round of layoff

    Bank Of America to Shutter Bond Prop Desk
  68. M

    Wall Street new round of layoff

    can you post some links. I have not read any such stories.
  69. M

    Wall Street new round of layoff

    expect some riots in the US also CNN's Jack Cafferty notes that a number of voices are saying that - if our economy continues to deteriorate (which it very well might) - we are likely headed for violence, and civil unrest is a growing certainty...
  70. M

    Wall Street new round of layoff

    The former Special Inspector General for TARP also noted that S&P says the next round of bailouts will cost $5 trillion just in up-front costs, and that enormous pressure is being put on Wall Street executives to take giant, company-bankrupting risks...
  71. M

    Is Swiss Franc the Gold standard in Currency markets? now you know from where the money is flowing.
  72. M

    Should I just quit my job?

    now you are thinking it is cool to work in quant finance:cool:
  73. M

    Real time options data

    I doubt you will get real time option data for free. Which option series you will get for MSFT.X? If they give you all the greeks etc. for all strikes and all months and all years listed, it will be few megabytes of data.
  74. M

    Goldman (N.Y. City vs Hong Kong)

    Do you think NY is cleaner than HK?
  75. M

    Monte Carlo simulation using Java?

  76. M

    MIT MFin Versatility of MIT MFin

    One need not get into MIT Finance to learn programming skills. You can learn any programming language in two weeks. (Ask any Indian IT guy in wall street.) Learn it before going to MIT. It is waste of time and money to learn basic C++ or VBA at MIT.
  77. M

    Equity Trading Strategies

    he wants to convert $3000 to $3,000,000
  78. M

    Job prospects for international students without work-ex

    If your undergraduate degree is in computer science then you need not worry. You should be able to get some quant/IT developer position.
  79. M

    Any recommended book on derivatives trading

    @Tsotne Instead of looking at the table of contents, please read the 80 customer reviews and look at their ratings. The original poster wants to make money, not gain some knowledge on options.
  80. M

    PhD offer advice

    If you want to work in finance in the future, then you better study finance now.
  81. M

    Any recommended book on derivatives trading

    @Siddharth Singh you will not make any money reading these books Which university recommends these books to their MBA students? must be tier-4 or tier-5 MBAs read these books
  82. M

    Ex-SocGen trader found guilty of copying HFT code

    and here is another IIT alumni caught in insider case.
  83. M

    Any recommended book on derivatives trading
  84. M

    Advice for a senior software engineer looking at quant...

    post your resume in you will know the answers.
  85. M

    Employee Poaching On The Rise On Wall Street

    1. Creating objects does not affect the performance of a C++ program. The constructor is just a function call. 2. There is no GC in C++.
  86. M

    What should I do (USC Mathematical Finance)

    read the article The Options Genius by Espen Haug
  87. M

    Is the City closed for non-EU entry-level quants starting April 2011? - career advice

    to get a Indian work permit, you need to find a job which pays around $25K/year
  88. M

    Is the City closed for non-EU entry-level quants starting April 2011? - career advice

    we have already recovered. US stock indices have almost reached their 2008 highs.
  89. M

    Spread Trading reading material?

    have you looked at
  90. M

    MIT MFin MIT Master of Finance Employment Statistics?

    two grads out of 1690 grads
  91. M

    Equity Derivatives Interview Questions from Goldman Sachs

    andy, where is the original link? you are posting as if you attended the interview. here is the original link with answers
  92. M

    CMU MSCF CMU MSCF Admission Discussion

    to get into finance
  93. M

    The travails of Chinese university graduates

    replace China with India, and it is the same story. A plumber and a average software engineer makes the same.
  94. M

    Ex-SocGen trader found guilty of copying HFT code

    only on the first day they were talking about plumbing software. we don't know what happened on the second day of the trial.
  95. M

    Ex-SocGen trader found guilty of copying HFT code

    How do you know he is innocent? Just because he has three daughters. Even Madoff has three daughters.
  96. M

    Should I take up CMU engineering PhD offer?

    if you are planning to go back to SG, then you should seriously think about the job prospects for Ph.D in SG. There are very few entry level quant positions.
  97. M

    Need opinions on Quant Finance Teaching Position

    if it is a university policy then you can't do anything. the problem is, if they give a parking spot to you then they have to give it to all adjunct professors
  98. M

    Ex-SocGen trader found guilty of copying HFT code

    he did not take this decision in a moment. he was sitting at home for several months talking to all hedge funds in NY and decided to join who offered him the most for the stolen code.
  99. M

    Ex-SocGen trader found guilty of copying HFT code

    he shared the details with you also?;) why do you feel sorry for him? do you feel sorry for Madoff also? only if you have written some serious code you will know how it feels when someone copies it and uses it as if he wrote it. companies take years and spend millions of dollars to develop some...
  100. M

    Ex-SocGen trader found guilty of copying HFT code

    he shared the details with FBI also. One of the calls he received was from an undercover FBI agent, and Agrawal was toast.
  101. M

    Why is Baruch's MS in BCIS program so weak?

    CIS programs are designed to expose you to computer science. They are not supposed to teach you algorithms or programming. They may be teaching scripting languages and SQL and how to use some software. After completing CIS program you are supposed to know how to use a computer/software, not...
  102. M

    Ex-SocGen trader found guilty of copying HFT code

    Between June and November 2009, AGRAWAL met repeatedly with the Tower partners and other employees of Tower. During those meetings, AGRAWAL disclosed confidential details of SocGen’s trading system to the Tower representatives
  103. M

    Ex-SocGen trader found guilty of copying HFT code

    India and China have highest level of corruption at all levels. People are exposed to corruptions/scams when they are young. This guy wanted to make fast $$$$. Printing of 1000 pages of prop. code is not an accident...
  104. M

    Ex-SocGen trader found guilty of copying HFT code

    so you are predicting that there will be a Madoff like scam in India after 20 years.
  105. M

    Intersting story today about a quant model that blew up selling puts (?)

    Jim, may be they closed all those puts. look at the open interest.
  106. M

    Ex-SocGen trader found guilty of copying HFT code

    As a tourist? This guy will stay in the US (inside a prison)
  107. M

    Ex-SocGen trader found guilty of copying HFT code

    this guy printed thousands of pages. the security camera recorded the whole thing.
  108. M

    Did anyone get any good deals for Black Friday?

    yes. and you buy all returned items.
  109. M

    Do you want to learn Stat Arb/Quant Trading?

    you are supposed to be impressed by Jim Liew
  110. M

    Do you want to learn Stat Arb/Quant Trading?
  111. M

    War Time : N Korea attacks S Korea

    S. Korean military drill preceded attack
  112. M

    MFE -- really worth it?

    Not all IIT guys make $$ on Wall Street. Some IIT guys end up in jail also.
  113. M

    MFE -- really worth it?

    If 1 year is not enough, then join a 2 year MFE. Even some courses from CS are rarely used. How many people write compilers? How many people program in Assembly? Still CS students learn these. Can you get into top MBA programs without experience? It is their past experience that gets them...
  114. M

    a question regarding interview.

    Generally it is difficult to get a person with all the skills you mentioned. So, even if you don't know anything about sybase or cloud computing you can be hired. you can learn these things in a week.
  115. M

    Help!!!MBA grad going down for last

    wait. jobs are coming from India
  116. M

    SocGen moves to 245 Park Ave

    who is leaving 245 park avenue?
  117. M

    Contrarian Investor Sees Economic Crash in China

    if china goes down then california also will go down
  118. M

    Baruch MFE Math background for MFE ?

    uccs also has online courses
  119. M

    Searching for Quant jobs in Singapore

    join the Singapore Quants group in linkedin
  120. M

    Searching for Quant jobs in Singapore

    have to check there are more quant jobs in hong kong/india than in singapore
  121. M

    Algo trading

    I recently found this institute offering algo trading course in India They charge just $1500. Anybody from India comment on this course?
  122. M

    CQF or MFE?

    Have you attended any CQF info/preview sessions? Lot of people ask these questions but they don't get any convincing answer from the speaker.
  123. M

    Citi's Automated Trading Desk (ATD)

    If you are talking about IT jobs, then you should know C++, ACE, TAO to get a job there.
  124. M

    Citi's Automated Trading Desk (ATD)

    Citi spent about billion dollar to acquire ATD, but it was two years ago.
  125. M

    BoA Sues Programmer For Stealing Files Before Firing

    he is not working. he is still fighting the case
  126. M

    BoA Sues Programmer For Stealing Files Before Firing

    in most of the banks there will be a camera above every person's head. some banks allow usb drives, but they will keep a copy of the files you write to usb.
  127. M

    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    Just curious, with a degree in electrical engineering, why did you accept a position with Sabre as a Business Analyst?
  128. M

    MIT MFin MIT Master of Finance Employment Statistics?

    Andy mentioned the following in his post: Students must meet MITFCU underwriting requirements as well minimum credit score criteria to be approved for a loan.
  129. M

    financial software developer - bloomberg

    may be C programming. they use it extensively
  130. M

    MIT MFin MIT Master of Finance Employment Statistics?

    In countries like India, there is no Credit Score. What criteria will they use?
  131. M

    MIT MFin MIT Master of Finance Employment Statistics?

    Why do you want to know? Are you going to bail them out?
  132. M

    Are FE undergrads demanded in the market?

    investment banks in India hire lot of students from this undergraduate program mostly for quant developer positions.
  133. M

    Mystery of Disappearing Prop Traders - Michael Lewis

    The proprietary trading business turns in part on one’s ability to find the fool -- to find people willing to take the stupid side of the smart bets you are placing. One of the side effects of our seemingly endless financial crisis is to wash a lot of fools, many of them German, out of the game...
  134. M

    MIT consider charging for online lectures

    Really. Will you consider working in a library for free?
  135. M

    DE Shaw cuts 10% workforce

    It is difficult to get a clear picture of employment situation based on this news. The bank where I am working they are firing people(non performers from developers to MDs) every week and replacing them with people from other firms. This is going on for the past six months. Most of the guys...
  136. M

    CUDA Certification

    It is already happening. Indian IT vendors like Infosys and HCL are developing expertise in CUDA. People take CUDA classes in India and get jobs in these companies. Infosys is working on the following Converting existing applications to CUDA...
  137. M

    What it's Like to Hire Interns for IBM

    this is for a particular group within IBM (DB2 development). obviously they have to show some results at the end of in internship. the BBA guys GS hired may be doing some clerical jobs.
  138. M

    Help!! Need to decide for full/part time MFE vs. current IT job in trading software firm

    How many years you need to complete part-time MFE? Your manager agreed to sponsor your MFE?
  139. M

    MFE without GRE

    Are there any MFE programs in the US which don't require GRE scores from experienced applicants. I currently work in IT, and I don't have time to prepare for GRE. I am already busy learning finance and math. I am confident of taking GRE subject test in Math once I brush up my math. But will...
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