best c ++ compiler?

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I use Visual Studio 2010 Express. It's free and good. Some of my friends use Netbeans and they really like it too. I tried DevC++ before, and hated it.
best C++ compiler or best IDE to code in C++?

When you say best, what exactly are you looking for?
i meant IDE. the recommended download for my intro c++ class was dev C++ so im familiar with that but i was just curious as to which one most quants use to code?
you are too hardcore for me....

We simple folk use eclipse.

I was sure Eugene is going to jump into the vi discussion :).
As a matter of fact I agree with both.

I used vi for about 6 years for C/C++/Perl even a bit Java, still happy to use it. However it's not easy to navigate through large projects, no integrated language features (e.g. debugging) and many other limitations. It does force a certain discipline from the developer perhaps just because things are not "that easy".
On the other hand Eclipse is a great IDE for Java/Python/Perl and many other. I used as a primary IDE for C++. The setup takes a bit longer, after that all is smooth, complete tool ...
Dev-CPP is nice and easy to use but its considered to be 'abandonware' and can, at times be buggy.

For an intro-to class it should be fine, beyond that +1 netbeans :) (or Xcode if you run mac) would get my vote.
I'm using xcode on mac, works fine for me. I managed to build ta-lib framework, quantlib and the boost libraries working fine on mine.
If you have to ask this question, chance is you won't write some world class library so fine details about each compiler has little use.
If you are in the Win world, I would say get the Visual Studio suite (free) and play with it. It's main stream so support is plenty.
If you are using Linux then go for VI . I'v been using vi for more than 2 years , no IDE comes close to it
I am at the same dilemma of picking an IDE for C/C++ development in Linux. I've been looking at Emacs in the past few days and wow - quite difficult to learn. It has got that feel of pre-wysiwyg era.

Does anybody else here uses Emacs? Any tips for using it, is it popular on the job?

Is Vim easier to learn and does it allow integrated debugging with kdb?

I am at the same dilemma of picking an IDE for C/C++ development in Linux. I've been looking at Emacs in the past few days and wow - quite difficult to learn. It has got that feel of pre-wysiwyg era.

Does anybody else here uses Emacs? Any tips for using it, is it popular on the job?

Is Vim easier to learn and does it allow integrated debugging with kdb?


Regarding popularity: among (serious) developers using Unix/Linux as their primary development platform, vi and emacs are definitely most popular editors, used by far more people than any other alternative; on other platforms however, I'd say their usage is minimal. Emacs is probably the most powerful editor in existence, it's only that it takes lots of time to learn it. It also has lots of features making it possible to use it as an IDE, similar to VS/Eclipse/..., and this is especially improved with the inclusion of CEDET package in the recent 23.2 release. However, most people using emacs really don't care much about its IDE features, and this fact really boils down to completely different mindsets of Unix programmers. So if you're serious into trying to completely change your habits, then it makes sense to invest into learning; but if your development work on Linux is going to be light and occasional, then you're certainly better with sticking to Eclipse or something alike...
Dev-CPP is nice and easy to use but its considered to be 'abandonware' and can, at times be buggy.

Dev C++ hasn't been updated for a long time since launch. Has some troubles executing custom type libraries.

I'm using Qt framework + Qt Creator IDE. It's a huge C++ class library and very friendly IDE (imho better than Visual Studio). Plus it's cross platform IDE, we can compile the same code for Windows, Linux, Mac.

Visual Studio is particularly targeting the Windows Operating System. Console applications in DEV does not have support for IDE, so it is hard to frame your code in a coding style. I have experience with DEV C++ to construct console applications and found it terrible to design code in style. I had an opportunity to ask some questions to Paul Deitel and he strongly suggested using VS. Actually, it's a bit costly but VS is very good.
I personally use Visual Studio 2010 (ultimate edition because I'm awesome like that), used earlier versions in university and got used to it. I've tried using eclipse but I'm too used to VS, and perhaps too lazy to change. I would just stick to whatever you're most comfortable with and focus on whats really important: learning the language.
Code::Blocks on Linux. I like how setting compiler options through this IDE is very transparent. It's lean and fast. The features can be expanded endlessly using plug-ins.

Visual Studio 2010 on Windows.
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